This is an exciting new role responsible for managing portfolio and performance of ACP’s real asset portfolio. You w
- ill:
Develop ACP Board packs covering all aspects of the portfolio working closely with partners and understand how ACP’s investments contribute to Aviva Sustainability Ambition and support team in del
- iverySupport delivery of strong performance in ACP portfolio though coordination of ACP’s partners, reporting portfolio progress, risks to ACP team,
- boardDevelop new models to support investment decisions and portfolio manag
- ementDraft investment proposals for approval at the ACP Board and conduct market, sector or counterparty research and prepare reports for ACP
- teamImprove ACP’s process by creating lessons learnt from the portfolio, feeding them back into the investment underwriting pr
Skills and experience we’re lookin
- g for:
Understanding of pricing & structuring to support investment decision making and portfolio man
- agementExperience of building and maintaining investment models, projecting and discounting cashflows and creating sc
- enariosSome understanding of real-asset investments for example residential development, regeneration or green infrastructure projects with a focus on financial modelling and preparing
- reportsA suitable professional qualification such as RICS, CFA, ACA, CAIA would be ben