Employment Tax Manager



Are you looking to progress your career in tax? This company has grown their tax team 200+% in the last 4 years and aim to continue growing it even further! You’ll be overseeing a small team of about 4-5 people on projects for clients across GB&I, giving you the experience you need to grow even further for your future plans.

You will also have the opportunity to choose which area of tax you want to specialise and grow within, giving you the ability to sculpt your own career and progression routes. You will also work closely with senior management on various aspects of business growth, which will expand your own marketability and experience.

Coffee chats can be arranged if you wish to meet the company and find out more from them directly.


  • £48k – 54k salary
  • Bonus scheme
  • Car Allowance
  • Hybrid working with flexi-time
  • Small working teams
  • 27 days leave + stats + can buy 5 more days
  • Structured progression routes

Job Responsibilities:

  • Overseeing employment tax projects
  • Business development
  • Guiding/ advising staff when needed
  • Assist senior management with complex tax projects

Organization Abacus Professional Recruitment
Industry Management Jobs
Occupational Category Employment Tax Manager
Job Location Belfast,UK
Shift Type Morning
Job Type Full Time
Gender No Preference
Career Level Intermediate
Experience 2 Years
Posted at 2023-12-03 9:38 am
Expires on 2024-10-20