As an Education Inclusion Officer you will be responsible for:
- Championing the needs and brokering support for vulnerable children and young people aged between 11 – 16 years old, who have complex or severe needs and who are at risk of failing to achieve full participation in learning
- Promoting a culture of inclusion and ensuring that good practice standards are upheld in relation to legislation around suspensions/exclusions and legislative practice.
- Working with schools to increase levels of confidence and develop their knowledge and understanding of evidenced based tools/skills/methodologies to reduce the risk of exclusion
- Quality assurance of Alternative Education Provision for students at risk of exclusion or with medical needs
- Working directly with vulnerable students and their parents for a time limited period
About you
The successful candidate will need to:
- Evidence good knowledge of how schools, the Local Authority and partner organisations are organised and governed.
- Have experience of the curriculum and understanding of a range of methodologies to enhance inclusion is essential.
- Have a thorough understanding of issues that restrict young people in accessing their education.
- Have previous experience in working in a local authority or education environment.